We believe that every company should have lasting impact.

SGI only invests in companies that have measurable environmental or social impact, or that have a clear path to enabling impact by implementing our proactive ESG framework. For all companies we invest in, SGI ensures adherence to exceptional governance practices.

SGI’s ESG framework weighs risks that are not in financials but that are material to the sustainable and responsible operation of a company. We integrate ESG initiatives beginning with pre-investment due diligence, through deal negotiation with management teams, and ultimately with portfolio management.

SGI seeks to improve existing ESG practices at the companies in which we invest or, when needed, establish initiatives to address any limitations. We educate management teams and empower them to develop and implement best-in-class ESG practices for their companies.  


Environmental impact

SGI assesses a company’s environmental impact by the degree to which that company can measurably reduce carbon footprint or otherwise contribute to environmental remediation. We also assess how refinement of operational processes can improve the planet, for example by implementing cleantech or renewable technologies, or by improving conservation practices that highlight waste management and efficient use of resources.

social responsibility

SGI ensures a company’s social responsibility across various capabilities and functions with emphasis on measuring and assisting with DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) improvements, by championing underrepresented demographics at all levels within a company or in society; and on labor initiatives, by ensuring workforce advocacy and suitable working conditions at the companies we invest.

governance practices

SGI ensures that the companies we invest in adhere to industry-accepted governance practices to ensure alignment among SGI, the company, our limited partners, and regulatory standards. We ensure the actions of the company and management are ethical, follow transparent reporting procedures, and meet or exceed legal & regulatory obligations as audited by a third party. We ensure maximum communication and accountability at every level in the companies in which we invest.